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Detox Masking Powder effective for those looking for a solution for acne prone, oily skin, & blackheads!

Our masking powder is a powerhouse that deeply cleanses your skin, flushes out toxins, and absorbs dirt and oil from your skin. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may help heal your skin!

Detox unclogs pores, removes deeper impurities, and dead skin cells. The result is smooth, supple, and even-toned skin!


To use: Spoon mixture in a small clean bowl and add a few drops of (distilled water, or a liquid you desire) to make a paste.

Apply with the face mask brush all on the face avoiding the eye area.

Spread on as even as you can.

Leave on for at least 3 minutes. Then wash well with warm water.

Apply a moisturizer cream or facial oil after!

*rose glow works amazing*!


Use NO MORE than two times a week!


Ingredients: Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal, & Turmeric Powder


Shelf Life: 18 months (in powder form) not pre-mixed.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease*

Detox Mask

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